We the team of Kasturi Institute of Management has fasten our seat belts and are ready to take off with our students touching the heights of success with our quality, cost-effectiveness, reliability and placement back-up. We are united towards making Kasturi Institute of Management , the No.1 airline training institute in Asia. We are working towards opening up new avenues for our students, in terms of collaborative with reputed airlines and hospitality and other related service industries.

I welcome you all to Kasturi institute of Management, a unique world of learning, with immense pleasure and pride. In the present scenario of a volatile global economy replete with financial crisis of unprecedented dimension which affects all areas of life, we at KIM will provide you an opportunity to have a successful and secure future. The Course Portfolio and Geographical Setting have helped Kasturi Institute of Management to maintain its growth trajectory at a consolidated level.
Preparing qualified professionals with requisite skills is the need of the hour due to advancements in all spheres of life. Higher education in technical fields promises direct returns to society. The highly skilled manpower needed to run the world invariably comes from the institutions of higher education and the nation cannot afford to denigrate their importance.
To share this responsibility & to turn our dream Job into reality, Kasturi Institute of Management came into existence.
By the Grace of the Almighty and hard work of each member of Kasturi institute of Management family, the Institute has made a special place in the field of quality education.

I warmly welcome all to enroll in the programme of your choice, available in Kasturi Institute of Management, to start your career. The aviation industry has been booming and growing at a rapid pace, creating a plethora of job opportunities in its wake. The Indian Aviation Industry provides highly lucrative careers therefore it is a major attraction amongst the success driven youths of India. Flying attracts and appeals most people, especially those who want an adventurous career. Kasturi Group has identified the most promising opportunities for growth in the Indian aviation industry and hospitality industry and has setup Kasturi Institute of Management with the cherished aim and vision of providing quality education for students in the field of airline and airport management.
We, the Kasturi Group have vast experience of running educational institutes and business. Our mission is to equip young adults with academic knowledge and practical training so that they can qualify for careers in the aviation sector in India and abroad, to offer the best in airline and airport education a newly-constructed building with state-of-the-art facilities and top-of-the-line Degree and Diploma courses, is set up in Coimbatore by the Kasturi Group. Our Airlines and Airport Management courses opens the doors for best job opportunities in Aviation sector throughout the globe.
At Kasturi Institute of Management our strategic goal is not only to focus on the quality of our programs but also to develop and enrich the skills of our students, ultimately enhancing their employment prospects. We firmly believe this gives our students a competitive edge in a globalized economy, with exceptionally demanding market conditions
Aviation Industry is an ever changing environment with new challenges and opportunities. The expansion of its horizons every moment of every second presents us with uncharted avenues to conquer. To achieve our objective in the challenging world of Aviation, greater focus and Planning with utmost precision is needed. Kasturi Institute of Management works under the Flag of Kasturi Corporate. “Five Generations Experience” has brought it to a new generation with lot of creativity in the world of tomorrow.
Our team of experienced faculty and support service members will prepare you to acquire responsible position in the industry and reinforce in you the ability to adapt to change. We will give you the wings to soar high and we are completely dedicated towards crafting a smooth runway to let your career take off in the field of aviation.